In this guide, I will go through nutrition, exercise and how to fuel your body properly for your goals. I will provide tips to help manage eating whilst looking after little ones. Contrary to popular belief your diet can be very flexible and will fit around motherhood! In the past 10 months I have followed this method to lose my baby weight and have shared everything that helped me to achieve it.
What’s included ?
- Personalised Workout Plan - Home and Gym Available
- Videos for each exercise to make sure you are confident in the gym
- Nutrition plan with macro explained and a calculator to work out your macros specifically for you.
- Meal Ideas that you actually enjoy and fit your calories and macros goals - these can be swapped for your likes and dislikes
- Restaurant calorie guide to make it easier to reach your goals
- Shopping list to give you ideas with vegetarian, vegan, and dairy free options included
- Shockett fitness Facebook Community to link in with other incredible like minded ladies
Can be purchased WORLDWIDE!
Please Note: If purchasing on a mobile device, you will receive an email to download the documents. This is a zip file containing the plan and Eat. The restaurant & grocery cheat sheet. Once you download, you will be directed to your web browser. There will be a downward facing blue arrow appearing on the URL bar. Click this and select downloads. You will then be able to save this anywhere you wish.